SC Nest Counter
Waties Island is a 2.7 mile private undeveloped barrier island at the border of North and South Carolina. Under a permit from SC Department of Natural Resources to help protect the sea turtle, we are at it again this season! The site will be updated often, so please feel free to bookmark us and visit us again to see what's new!
Waties Island Nest Counter
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
May 9 Stranding on Waties
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Another Stranding

NMB had a small Kemps Ridley strand this morning around 6100 N. Ocean Boulevard.
Rob and several members of the NMB Sea Turtle Patrol got to experience first hand what it's all about. Scanning for embedded pit tags, taking photos, filling out paperwork, making phone calls, and then doing all the internet submissions too! Busy day...

The largest of the species, a leatherback, stranded in Myrtle Beach two days ago. These photos were taken by Dave Fuss. Leatherbacks are not commonly seen here (unlike loggerheads who are here in large numbers). SC DNR came up from Charleston with a team who did a necropsy on the beach to try to determine what might have killed this young turtle. A full grown adult leatherback would be much larger than this specimen.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Busy Day on the Grand Strand
Yesterday, there were a couple of strandings (sea turtles washed up on the beach) - a juvenile leatherback came ashore at the Ocean Lakes Campground in Myrtle Beach and a small loggerhead washed ashore around 6200 Ocean Boulevard in Cherry Grove. The SCUTE Facebook page has photos of the leatherback and the NMB Sea Turtle Patrol blog has photos of the loggerhead -
Here Animal Control Officer Charlotte Porter is getting the loggerhead turtle ready to transport to the SC DNR officials who were on the scene of the leatherback stranding.
Barb and Steve